Monday 10 January 2011


I just had reviewed Manticore's Ritual Cleansing Of The Whore, so I coul'nt let this fucker alone. The thing both Manticore and S.A. had in common is that they have been released at same troubled times and that they both have a historical meaning. In the case of Sacramentary Abolishment it's again the undisputed deathmetal influence, a lot of it from Ohio,...yes, Embalmer for the most part. But these guys were even more revolutionary in their own context. I dare to say this fucker stands right there among my top 3 Canadian albums ever .This shit, as it seems, opened doors to everything the term Canadian War Metal means today. In S.A. you can hear almost every War Metal band there is today. And it was done back in '95 in Alberta fuckin' Canada. Its cold as shit up there. I lived there and I know that. It can be heard here. A fuckin' classic with a fuckin' class.

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